Jumaat, 16 April 2010

GU - Msia 8.24pm, Retracement Turun & Bakal Naik Lebih Tinggi

Bersedia untuk melepaskan order SELL anda bila muncul signal reversal kerana GU mungkin naik lebih tinggi selepas turun pada retracement kali ini.

Jika berlaku signal reversal tersebut, anda harus melepaskan order SELL anda dan boleh mengambil manfaat dengan order BUY.

Semoga sukses,


Rabu, 14 April 2010

GU - 9.07pm, Msia , Masih BULLISH

Insyallah GU akan terus naik ke lebih kurang 1.5500 sebelum turun agak jauh. Walau bagaimana pun, seperti ramalan v sebelum ini, GU mungkin akan terus naik sepanjang 1, 2 atau beberapa minggu ini. Dan tidak mustahil jugak akan terus naik untuk beberapa bulan ini.

Tetapi, jangan lupa, sentiasa akan wujud RETRACEMENT TURUN (BEARISH) yang besar !

Sentiasa bersedia terhadap sebarang kemungkinan reversal.




Selasa, 13 April 2010

GU Ranging

GU Ranging

GU Msia, 3.01pm

Kat H1 dan H4, GU masih berusaha untuk naik (Retracement).

Walau bagaimana pun, sentimen kat Daily Chart menunjukkan GU akan turun buat beberapa waktu ini...

Isnin, 12 April 2010

GU - Msia, 10.05pm, Retracement Naik lagi ... ATAU mungkinkah kesinambungan BULLISH ???

Ok, kat H1, telah muncul SIGNAL kuat menunjukkan perubahan arah dari turun ke naik. Jangkaan v untuk lebih kurang sejam lagi...

Kat H4 pula... arah kini tidak menentu dan price sedang mencari-cari kekuatan untuk turun atau pun naik ...???

Yang pastinya, buat masa ini, GU akan naik, sehinggalah muncul reversal signal, untuk turun semula.

ARAH GU : Menaik


GU Retracement tamat - GU turun semula

Tapi waspada kerana kat H1, masih menunjukkan tanda retracement nak naik tinggi

GU 9.07pm Msia time - GU naik

Bertemu kembali....

Pada saat ini, GU mengalami RETRACEMENT kali ke-2 sekali lagi, untuk sekitar 1 jam.

Bagi yang berani menanggung risiko, boleh mengambil manfaat dengan ORDER BUY, sebab GU akan mengarah ke atas, sebelum turun semula lebih jauh lagi.


PERLU INGAT - Sentimen Market GU dalam H4 adalah BEARISH atau menurun ! Jadi, RETRACEMENT naik hanyalah sekejap sahaja (Lebih kurang sejam).

Bertemu kembali...

V akan keluar buat 4 ke 5 jam dari sekarang.

Buat anda yang ada membuat order retracement BUY, berhati-hati dan perhatikan signal. Bagi yang memegang order SELL, perhatikan tanda-tanda reversal.

Sentiasa berwaspada kerana dalam FOREX, anda harus sentiasa bertindakbalas pada perubahan signal.

Semoga berjaya.


GU - Msia 3.24pm, Retracement kecil untuk lebih kurang 1 jam

Petanda muncul untuk menunjukkan GU akan naik sementara untuk selama lebih kurang sejam - anda boleh mengambil manfaat dari retracement ini.

Arah : Menaik / BULLISH

Petunjuk ini disahkan kat M15, M30, dan H1 tetapi H4 tetap MASIH mengesahkan yang GU akan turun jauh pada hari ini.


GU Berdasarkan H4

Berdasarkan H4, v yakin GU akan turun agak jauh, hari ini, bagi meneruskan trend-besarnya "BEARISH". Pada pandangan v, "RETRACEMENT" atau Pergerakan Lawan Arah / juga dipanggil CORRECTION, telah sempurna dan berakhir di puncak ketinggian teratas di point 1.5485 sebentar tadi.

Walau bagaimana pun, penentuan terakhir dan PENGESAHAN tentang PENERUSAN TREND BEARISH GU ini, akan kita perolehi, selepas sekitar 8 jam dari sekarang, untuk menyempurnakan 2 lagi CANDLE kat H4.

Sentiasa berhati-hati dan berwaspada terhadap sebarang Pergerakan Rancak dan Perubahan Trend / Reversal.


GU Sah akan turun buat beberapa jam

Confirmation signal / TANDA PENGESAHAN muncul kat H4 dan GU akan turun agak jauh. Sedia untuk melepaskan position BUY anda dan tunggu saat terbaik untuk order SELL.

GU Sah akan turun buat beberapa jam

Condirmation signal muncul kat H4 dan GU akan turun agak jauh. Sedia untuk melepaskan position BUY anda dan tunggu saat terbaik untuk order SELL.

GU mencapai ketinggian yang dicapai pada 19.5.2009 lepas - 1.5467 highest

Sentimen GU untuk minggu ni BULLISH, memandangkan CANDLE telah berada sepenuhnya di atas EMA 9 kat Weekly Chart.

Walau bagaimana pun, berhati-hati terhadap sebarang PETANDA / SIGNAL yang bakal menunjukkan REVERSAL.


8.38AM Malaysia time, 12.4.2010

Seperti yang telah v ramalkan, GU telah mendapat kekuatan untuk naik lebih tinggi sebelum turun sedikit pada penutupan market, sabtu lepas.

V jangka GU akan terus naik lebih tinggi, walaupun akan terlibat dengan beberapa kali penurunan (Retracement), bagi mengumpul kekuatan, untuk naik lebih tinggi.

Bagi mereka yang belum membuka position BUY lagi untuk pair GU ini, anda mempunyai pilihan untuk menunggu sehingga RETRACEMENT TURUN kat M5, M15, M30 atau H1 selesai, sebab kat H4, GU menampakkan kekuatan yang besar untuk naik tinggi.

Ini disokong oleh Daily Chart, weekly chart, MALAH Monthly chart juga. Bagi yang memegang position SELL, anda boleh bersedia dengan RETRACEMENT2 yang agak besar, bagi melepaskan order SELL anda, atau membuat order singkat SELL dengan berhati-hati.

Semoga berjaya.


Jumaat, 9 April 2010

GU - SAH akan turun buat masa lebih kurang sejam, atau beberapa jam sebelum naik semula lebih tinggi

OK, signal pengesahan dah muncul. GU akan mula turun buat masa sejam atau lebih, sebelum ia naik semula lebih tinggi.


GU mungkin bakal punya kekuatan untuk naik lebih tinggi...

GU kini : 1.5370 setelah mencapai tahap tertinggi : 1.5391 sebentar tadi

Walau pun dalam keadaan STOKASTIK yang overbought, tetapi SMA10 dan SMA20 yang telah bersilang kat Daily Chart, memungkinkan GU untuk naik dengan JAUH LEBIH TINGGI.

Walau bagaimana pun, sebelum ia naik dengan jauh lebih tinggi, v jangka ia akan turun dahulu sedikit, bagi mencari kekuatan, untuk naik lebih jauh lagi.

Bagi yang ada memiliki open position "SELL" sila berhati-hati dan bersedia untuk melepaskan order SELL anda bila mana GU turun, kerana GU dijangka bakal atau berpotensi untuk bergerak jauh ke atas.

Dinasihatkan agar jangan terburu-buru. Nantikan signal berikut yang bakal ditentukan oleh keadaan semasa, khasnya sempena US Open jam 9 malam Malaysia nanti.


Ok, GU kembali BULLISH continued

Gu terus naik seperti yang sepatutnya... ia akan terus naik untuk beberapa jam.


Waspada, kerana ...

Retracement kecil ini juga boleh jadi petanda GU berubah trend untuk Turun. Perhatikan signal-signal lain.


GU dah naik tinggi... now, small retracement going down

GU dah naik tinggi tetapi dalam fasa retracement turun utk masa lebih kurang 30 minit.

Bagi Yang Dah order BUY

Jaga position anda. Perhatikan tanda-tanda kat M5, M15, M30 dan H1. Jika ada muncul signal REVERSE, tutup order BUY anda, dan order SELL.

V akan kembali dalam 3 jam dari sekarang ....


Re-enter BUY

GU retracement, masih BULLISH. Rujuk Stokastik 5 kat H1

ok, Gu ready untuk SELL

Close highest 1.5280

out BUY dan enter Sell

Perubahan Signal Kat H1

Waspada, kerana Confirmation atau PENGESAHAN TURUN kat H1 dah berubah menjadi BULLISH semula.

Ini menyokong persilangan SMA10 dan SMA20, yang juga merupakan di antara signal yang paling kuat dan berkuasa.

GU akan naik untuk sekitar 1 jam, atau lebih, sebelum ia turun semula, seperti yang diperlukan, bagi memenuhi syarat H4 - BEARISH.

Jika anda berhasrat untuk enter seketika, boleh order "BUY" sehinggalah kat H1 ini, muncul semula Petanda REVERSAl, seperti yang v terangkan kelmarin...


Nak Enter dan Order GU - SELL

Nak order SELL. Tetapi, mesti Double Check - periksa kat M5. Terdapat RETRACEMENT. Atau Perjalanan arah PAIR bertentangan arah.

JANGAN ENTER DAHULU. Tunggu sehingga STOKASTIK kat M5 pointing atau mengarah ke bawah, kemudian, baru order SELL.

Semoga Sukses !


GU kini 1.5265, 10.20am Msia

Confirmation kat H4 dah muncul, MENGESAHKAN GU akan terus turun buat masa beberapa jam.

GU 9.4.2010 jam 9.35am Msia

Ok, confirmation atau Tanda PENGESAHAN kat H1 dah muncul, GU Pasti akan turun . Kini, perlu menunggu tanda pengesahan kat H4.

Sekiranya candle kat H4 yang akan lengkap terbentuk selepas 200 minit dari sekarang adalah candle Bearish atau candle Turun, maka, GU akan turun jauh.

Pandangan / Tindakan : Sebaik-baiknya tunggu Pengesahan kat H4 sebelum enter / buat order SELL untuk pair GU. Namun sekiranya anda bersedia untuk order sekarang, sila rujuk kat M5 untuk mula memasuki market.

"Timing" atau masuk pada masa yang TEPAT adalah sangat penting.

Selamat Mengumpul PIPS yang banyak untuk trend BEARISH (Menurun) HARI INI...



Pandangan Tindakan Buat Anda Dari v

Sekarang ni, bagi yang belum buat sebarang order, v sarankan untuk jangan memasuki market sehingga tanda PENGESAHAN muncul kat H1 dan H4.

Bagi yang masih memegang Order Buy anda, anda cuma perlu memerhatikan carta untuk menantikan saat terbaik untuk keluar market atau menutup order BUY anda.

v akan keluar dan tak akan dapat menganalisa untuk masa 3 jam dari sekarang. Jadi tiada ramalan untuk sepanjang 3 jam ini, ok...

Selamat Berjaya.


GU Jam 6.23am Msia time . Gu kini = 1.5275

Selamat pagi semua.

Alhamdulillah, seperti yang diramal, GU benar-benar naik tinggi. Kini : 1.5275 dan telah mencapai peringkat ketinggian 1.5277 sebentar tadi.

V tak re-enter, sebab mengantuk sangat dan terlelap selepas catatan terakhir semalam. Bagi yang ada memiliki Order BUY dan tak close semalam, maka telah berada keadaan untung lebih 70pips dalam satu malam tadi sahaja ! TAHNIAH !

Pada masa ini, GU dalam keadaan side-ways atau ranging. BERHATI-HATI dan bersedia untuk Reversal (Kejatuhan semula GU).

Pada carta H1, dari satu sudut, GU menunjukkan potensi untuk naik lebih tinggi, sebab, SMA10 dan SMA20 dah bersilang dan menjadi SUPPORT atau PENYOKONG kepada pair ini untuk terus naik lebih tinggi. Kat H4, GU sideways atau Ranging.

Dalam masa setengah jam, atau beberapa minit dari sekarang (Mungkin juga beberapa jam), GU akan mengalami LEDAKAN PERGERAKAN yang sangat KUAT , sebab, GU kini berada dalam keadaan sideways KAT H4, ia boleh naik, DAN berpotensi juga untuk turun dengan TERAMAT-AMAT jauh.

Namun begitu, Kat H1, tanda reversal telah muncul mengesahkan GU akan turun. Stokastik dah overbought dan disokong oleh Price action movementnya. Kini kita perlu menunggu tanda PENGESAHAN REVERSAL dari H4 pula.

Jangan lupa beri tumpuan pada Price Action movement kat semua time frame untuk mengenalpasti tanda-tanda awal reversal untuk turun.



enter buy tadi petang : 1.5218

close : 1.5255

Koleksi : 37 pips buat masa ini

GU seterusnya

Jika kat H1, candle ke tiga jugak dah bearish, maka enter market dan order SELL, dan perhatikan petanda atau signal Reversal untuk naik semula.

GU 12.42am 9.4.2010

Signal turun muncul kat H1. Ini boleh menjadi retracement sahaja - pergerakan sementara, atau benar-benar petanda GU mula turun semula. Tetapi melihat kepada H4, GU nampak akan terus naik buat beberapa waktu.

Tindakan v - keluar market. Tutup order buy tadi. Boleh re-enter semula nanti bila dah ok.

Khamis, 8 April 2010

Gu 11.14pm

Oleh kerana GU dah comfirm naik, maka kini, beri tumpuan pada Carta H1 dan H4. Perhatikan Signal turun untuk melepaskan sebarang Order Buy anda.


GU, 8.4.2010 jam 11.09pm

Sori,... v ada meting tadi.

Ok, ramalan tepat. GU dah naik sekarang. Price : 1.5244

Kat H1 juga telah muncul double bottom, menandakan GU SAH & Confirm akan naik buat jangka masa yang agak lama.

Berhati-hati dengan REVERSAL signal, sebab kat Daily Chart, Stokastik dah OVERBOUGHT, jadi, setelah naik tinggi pun, GU akhirnya akan turun jugak semula, setelah naik beberapa jam.

Tunggu signal turun .


GU, 10.02pm

Ok, kini, kat M30, CONFIRMATION dah muncul , maka kene tunggu H1 untuk confirm atau sahkan GU BULLISH. Jika Double bottom muncul kat H1, maka ini akan menandakan GU akan naik untuk sekitar 1 jam dari sekarang atau lebih.

GU 9.39pm Msia time

Dah lebih 2 jam... GU masih turun.

Sekarang GU ... 1.5176

Tetapi, kat M5, telah muncul hammer. Ini petanda markat GU dah start nak bullish. Tetapi BELUM SAH lagi, sehinggalah tanda PENGESAHAN muncul kat TimeFrame yang lebih besar seperti M15, M30 dan H1.

Sekarang, pada 9.48pm, kat M15, juga telah muncul hammer.

Jika hammer, atau double bottom muncul kat M30 dan H1, dalam beberapa masa, maka SAH / CONFIRM, market dah start BULLISH / naik tinggi.

GU jam 7.07pm Msia

Ok, gu kat H1 dah overbought. So, GU akan turun (retracement kecil) buat lebih kurang sejam, sebelum naik semula, untuk memenuhi Kekuatan BULLISH kat H4.

GU 6.50pm Msia

Kat H4, Signal continuation atau kesinambungan untuk GU terus akan naik dah muncul, menandakan GU akan naik terus untuk tempoh beberapa jam, sebelum ia turun jauh.

Bersedia untuk kemunculan signal lain

-Keadaan GU sekarang : BULLISH / Naik

GU Jam 6.25pm msia time

Gu kini : 1.5218 alhamdulillah ramalan semasa v tepat.

Belum ada tanda atau petunjuk yg GU akan turun buat masa beberapa minit ini.

Market masih akan terus naik untuk beberapa jam.

GU 4.57pm. msia time. 8.4.2010

Gambaran Besar - GU akan turun agak jauh ke bawah hari ini.


utk lebih kurang 1 jam, market gu akan naik (Lihat stok kat m15,m30 dan h1. Lagi pula kat H1, muncul Double Botom - signal kuat utk Bullish) dan akan turun semula selepas lebih
kurang 1 jam dr sekarang - lihat stok kat H4.

Sila berwaspada dan tunggu munculnya signal, utk gu mula turun selepas naik retracement.

Penilaian Carta - EW kat M5 mengesahkan market gu memang akan naik dulu.

EW kat M5 mengesahkan gu memang akan naik

Khamis, 28 Januari 2010

GU - 28.1.2010, Khamis, 5.02pm

Research 4.39pm, Malaysia time , GU :


GBPUSD closed @ 16170 which was ABOVE the open and was within prior day's trading range. The High was 10 pips from Precise Trader's Hrly Level and the Low was PRECISELY at Precise Trader's Sup Zone 1. The Hourly Oscillators are MIXED and the price is Within the MA, so CAUTIOUS approach is needed. Hourly Trend is Sideways while 16280 holds and Daily Trend is also Sideways while 16405 holds, so expect the price to be Choppy until the breakout happens. The Daily Trend has been in a Range Trading in the last few days. The Hourly Trend has also been in a Range Trading with no clear direction ,16230-80 are the critical levels to watch to maintain the bearish outlook . On the 5 min is along the Horizontal Channel and the price patterns are suggesting no clear indication until the breakout. The Opening price principle suggests no clear indication .

BULLS: 16120 16035 15960 BEARS: 16210 16290 16330
Conservative Traders: SIDELINED or strictly trade only at Precise Trader's Report Levels.
Aggressive Traders : Trade @ the Bulls & Bears Levels Only

GBPUSD Current price: 1.6198

Very choppy last two days trading with GBPUSD making a triangle formation. It did hit 261.8% of the first wave and looked like it have completed its correction but the triangle has no bias which side we break out. Trend lines are 16230 and 16150. A break to the upside and 16315 should be the target and move lower and we should see the trend line at 16075 (note how all the oscillators are also making triangle which a slight upside bias with us being above zero)Support levels: 1.6150 1.6100 1.6077Resistance levels: 1.6230 1.6270 1.63121

GBPUSD - Went down 50+ pips to the low of the day at our Support Zone 1 (+/-) at 16110 and went up 130+ pips.

Technical Market Commentary

Technical Market Commentary
Thu, Jan 28 2010, 07:34 GMTby Abhishek Goenka
Sterling : GBPUSD is currently trading at 1.6190 levels and and is having a strong resistance of 1.6250 level (trendline Resistance). Downside correction is expected near 1.6100 levels (trendline support).Break above the trendline resistance should trigger further bullish momentum towards 1.6456 area while break below the trendline support should trigger further bearish momentum testing 1.6000/40 area before aim for 1.5800 levels.(GBPUSD – 1.6190)

Initiate shorts near 1.6240 levels stoploss 1.6280 target 1.6110 levels

Ahad, 24 Januari 2010

GU - 24.1.2010, Ahad, jam 7.03pm

Analisis dan pemerhatian ini adalah sebagai persediaan jika nak ENTER Market GU esok.

Walaupun panduan ini disediakan, kepada para traders, anda haruslah membuat pertimbangan dan keputusan sendiri TANPA 100% bergantung kepada maklumat dan info yang saya peruntukkan di sini.

Sila perhatikan UPDATES dari masa ke semasa.


Gambar Di ATAS : GU Daily Chart

Gambar Di ATAS : GU H4

Jumaat, 22 Januari 2010

GU - 22.1.2010, Jumaat, jam 12.43am

No Info provided... sorry, im very busy lately. Can't provide info for your references. Info would be provided again starting Monday, 25.1.2010, or maybe earlier. Thanx for your understanding.

Tiada sebarang maklumat dapat dibekalkan. Saya sangat sibuk kebelakangan ini. Maklumat akan mula dibekalkan semula mulai Isnin, 25.1.2010 depan. Terima Kasih.



Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

GU - 19.1.2010, Selasa, jam 12.12pm



It is also complicated. May be it will go up to around 1.6450 or higher, and after that, it will go down. It depends on the UK CPI News that will happen in the next few hours.

(Current Price: 1.6410)


Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Untuk Panduan Para Trader Seluruh Dunia (Yang Berbahasa Melayu), Blog Ini Adalah Ihsan Ikhlas Saya...

Blog ini mungkin tak akan berguna untuk para trader yang telah "ADVANCE" tetapi v yakin, bahawa ia akan sangat berguna buat para trader yang masih baru.

Cara menggunakannya; buat pemerhatian dan penganalisaan anda sendiri berdasarkan bacaan graf atau carta FOREX, ambil kira faktor-faktor fundamental semasa, dan gunakan segala maklumat yang ada dalam blog ini sebagai panduan anda untuk membuat keputusan.

Nilaikan setiap maklumat yang ada, perhatikan sejarah dan kejadian-kejadian lepas; kemudian, buat keputusan TRADING FX anda. Semoga ia dapat membantu anda semua, insyallah... Selamat berjaya dalam fx trading anda.



Jumaat, 15 Januari 2010

GU - 15.1.2010, Jumaat, 4.32pm

Reference 1 ;

Filed Under Daily Forex Forecast
Posted on January 15, 2010 by Yohay

Rujukan = http://www.forexcrunch.com/forex-daily-outlook-january-15th-2010/

GBP/USD Outlook – January 15th

British CB Leading Index is due later. Britain probably got out of recession, at least according to the unofficial NIESR GDP estimate. This helps the Pound rise nicely. Read the British Pound forecast for more.

Britain is out of recession.

Read more in the British Pound forecast.

Reference 2 ;

Currency Majors Technical Perspective
Fri, Jan 15 2010, 06:56 GMT
by Ian G Coleman

FXstreet.com Independent Analyst Team

GBPUSD Current price: 1.6330

4 Hourly chart shows that we have reached and touched the large corrective trend line at 1.6356. We are now pushing lower. 1 hr you can see this finishing in a wedge after a perfect ABC correction. We would want to see a break of the trend line at 1.6305 to turn the pair bearish.

Remember, breaks from wedges can be very strong and can target the beginning of the formation. MACD is showing signs of divergence to sell. A break through 1.6371 would negate this view.

Support levels: 1.6307 16252 1.6137

Resistance levels: 1.6362 1.6372 1.6484

GBPUSD : GBPUSD is currently trading near 1.6340 levels. It is having an immediate support near 1.6240 levels where buying can be initiated for the target of 150-200 pips. (GBPUSD 1.6340). Rangebound


Forex: GBP/USD: Resistances at 1.6350/1.6410 will provoke failure - Commerzbank

Fri, Jan 15 2010, 07:43 GMT


FXstreet.com (Barcelona) - The Pound remains rallying on Friday, for the sixth consecutive day, reaching levels at 1.6450 the 55-Day MA, where, according to Karen Jones, technical analyst at Commerzbank, Sterling's rally is expected to stall and come under bearish pressure.

Resistance levels at 1.6351 and 1.6412 should provoke failure on the Pound, says Jones: "Sterling is inching slowly highly and has reached 1.6351 (55 day ma) . This together with resistance at 1.6412 should provoke failure. Our view is unchanged, we look for the rally to stall at the 55 day ma and come under pressure."

On a longer term perspective, Jones expects the Pound to decline towards 1.5830 en route to levels below 1.5700: "We target 1.5832(December low) en route to 1.5690/82 –the 38.2% retracement of the entire move in 2009 and the 55 week ma."

Reference 3 ;




It is complicated, we predict that it is more likely to go up to around 1.6380 or may bey 1.64, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 1.63 or 1.6250.
(Current Price: 1.6341)

Reference 4 ;

Action Forex :-



Trade Idea: GBP/USD - Buy At 1.6205
Candlesticks Trades | Written by ActionForex.com | Jan 15 10 07:07 GMT |

Trade Idea: GBP/USD - Buy At 1.6205

GBP/USD - 1.6334

Most recent candlesticks pattern : N/A
Trend : Sideways
Tenkan-Sen level : 1.6302
Kijun-Sen level : 1.6209
Ichimoku cloud top : 1.6037
Ichimoku cloud bottom : 1.6016
Original strategy
Buy at 1.6195, Target: 1.6360, Stop: 1.6130
New strategy
Buy at 1.6205, Target: 1.6380, Stop: 1.6140

Although the British pound has maintained a firm undertone partly due to active cross-buying in sterling, as current price level is getting too far away from the Kijun-Sen (now at 1.6209) and especially the Ichimoku cloud top (now at 1.6037), suggesting risk remains for a minor correction towards 1.6242 (previous resistance turned support), however, renewed buying interest should emerge around the Kijun-Sen and bring another rally later. As price already reached our indicated upside target at 1.6356/61 (50% Fibonacci retracement of 1.6879 to 1.5832 and 100% projection of 1.5896 to 1.6194 measuring from 1.6063), further sharp move beyond resistance at 1.6412 would not be repeated today.

In view of the above analysis, would not chase this move at current level and we prefer to look for pullback to buy cable.

Only a sustain breach of minor support at 1.6160/65 would signal top has been formed and risk weakness to 1.6100/10 but reckon support at 1.6063 would hold.

References 5 ;


GBPUSD: Pressure Builds On The 1.6234/39 Levels.

GBPUSD: As strength continues to be seen with the pair closing higher on Tuesday and opening higher today, risk continues to shape up towards the 1.6234/39 levels, its Dec 31’09/Jan 04’10 highs.

The pair is currently testing its daily 200 ema at 1.6196, a level it must cleanly break to clear the way for a run at the 1.6234/39 levels. We expect either of this level to cap and turn the pair down.

However, if a break of the 1.6234/39 levels materializes we could witness further upside towards the 1.6409 level, its Dec 16’09 high where a break will expose its Nov 25’09 high at 1.6744 and then the 1.6875 level, its Nov 16’0-09 high. Its daily RSI is bullish and pointing higher suggesting further strength.

To the downside, its Jan 07’10 low at 1.6056 comes in as the initial support with a turn below there aiming at the 1.5830 level, its Dec 30’09. Below the latter level will set the stage for the resumption of its declines activated off the 1.6875 level towards the 1.5706 level, its Oct 13’09 low with a clearance of there seeing a 100% price retracement (from 1.5706- 1.6875 levels) and opening the door for additional downside towards its .50 Ret (1.3501-1.7041 rally) at 1.5273. back down.

Resources Of References Provided by ;


Khamis, 14 Januari 2010

GU - 14.1.2010 - Khamis @ 6.17pm

Reference 1 ;

Forex Daily Outlook – January 14th 2010
Posted on January 13, 2010 by Yohay
Filed Under Daily Forex Forecast

Rujukan = http://www.forexcrunch.com/forex-daily-outlook-january-14th-2010/

GBP/USD Outlook – January 14th

The calendar is crowded today. The main events are a rate decision in Europe and American retail sales. Let’s see what’s up for today:

No British figures are released today. Note that the GBP/USD rose above the 1.6270 resistance line (at the time of writing). The main reason for this is the rise is the NIESR GDP estimate that unofficially reported that the British economy expanded in Q4. The 0.3% growth means that (unofficially) Britain is out of recession.

Read more in the British Pound forecast.

Reference 2 ;


Forex Market Outlook on Majors
Thu, Jan 14 2010, 09:06 GMT



Last Update At 14 Jan 2010 08:40 GMT

Despite initial re-test of y'day's NY high of
1.6309 at Asian opening, present retreat suggests
further choppy trading below said res wud continue
in European morning trading, however, reckon 1.6242
(prev. res) wud contain pullback n bring rebound.
Sell on next upmove for 1.6270 n if cables moves
back to 1.6255 1st, buy for another rise to 1.6305.

Range Forecast
1.6260 / 1.6295

R: 1.6309/1.6356/1.6412
S: 1.6242/1.6195/1.6137
Published on Thu, Jan 14 2010, 09:09 GMT

Reference 3 ;




From around 1.6250, It is more likely to go up to around 1.63 or higher, and after that, it might have potentially to go down to around 1.62.
(Current Price: 1.6286)

Reference 4 ;

Action Forex :-


GBP/USD Daily Outlook

GBPUSD Outlook | Written by ActionForex.com | Jan 14 10 07:40 GMT |
GBP/USD Daily Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.6174; (P) 1.6241; (R1) 1.6345

GBP/USD's corrective rise from 1.5892 is still in progress and met mentioned target of 100% projection of 1.5829 to 1.6327 from 1.5896 at 1.6304 already. At this point, intraday bias remains on the upside with 1.6192 minor support intact and further rise could still be seen.

Nevertheless, we'd expect upside to be limited below 61.8% retracement of 1.6875 to 1.5829 at 1.6475 and bring resumption of the whole fall from 1.6875.

On the downside, below 1.6192 minor support will turn intraday bias neutral first. Further break of 1.6062 support will indicate that such correction has possibly completed and recent fall is resuming for 1.5829 and below.

In the bigger picture, we're still favoring the bearish case that medium term rebound from 1.3503, which is is treated as a correction to down trend from 2.1161, has completed at 1.7043. Firm break of 1.5706 cluster support (38.2% retracement of 1.3503 to 1.7043 at 1.5691) will confirm this case and indicate that whole down trend from 2.1161 is likely resuming for a new low below 1.3503.

However, note that sustain break of 61.8% retracement of 1.6875 to 1.5829 at 1.6475. will in turn indicate that whole fall from 1.6875 has completed and recent price actions from 1.7043 are merely consolidations to the larger rise from 1.3503 only.

That is, whole medium term rise from 1.3503 might not be finished yet and another rise could still be seen to 1.7332/8236 (50% and 61.8% retracement of 2.1161 to 1.3503) before completion.

References 5 ;


GBPUSD: Pressure Builds On The 1.6234/39 Levels.

GBPUSD: As strength continues to be seen with the pair closing higher on Tuesday and opening higher today, risk continues to shape up towards the 1.6234/39 levels, its Dec 31’09/Jan 04’10 highs.

The pair is currently testing its daily 200 ema at 1.6196, a level it must cleanly break to clear the way for a run at the 1.6234/39 levels. We expect either of this level to cap and turn the pair down.

However, if a break of the 1.6234/39 levels materializes we could witness further upside towards the 1.6409 level, its Dec 16’09 high where a break will expose its Nov 25’09 high at 1.6744 and then the 1.6875 level, its Nov 16’0-09 high. Its daily RSI is bullish and pointing higher suggesting further strength.

To the downside, its Jan 07’10 low at 1.6056 comes in as the initial support with a turn below there aiming at the 1.5830 level, its Dec 30’09. Below the latter level will set the stage for the resumption of its declines activated off the 1.6875 level towards the 1.5706 level, its Oct 13’09 low with a clearance of there seeing a 100% price retracement (from 1.5706- 1.6875 levels) and opening the door for additional downside towards its .50 Ret (1.3501-1.7041 rally) at 1.5273. back down.

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Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

GU - 13.1.2010 - Rabu

Reference 1 ;
Forex Daily Outlook – January 12th 2010

Rujukan = http://www.forexcrunch.com/forex-daily-outlook-january-12th-2010/

GBP/USD Outlook – January 11-15

Later in Britain, Trade Balance is predicted to show a smaller deficit. For more on GBP/USD, check out the British Pound forecast.

Yohay Elam, Forex Crunch:


My sentiment is bearish on GBP/USD

The future doesn’t look too bright. Even if the unofficial estimate shows that the British economy grew in Q4, it’s probably too little and too late. With the heavy deficit weighing on the Pound, the direction continues to be down.

Reference 2 ;

Technical Major Currencies Morning Report
Wed, Jan 13 2010, 07:27 GMT
by ecPulse.com analysis team



The suggested scenario remains bullish if 1.6060 remains intact.

Reference 3 ;

GU will goes Up to 1.62 or higher and then may go down to around 1.6150

Reference 4 ;

Action Forex :-


GBPUSD Outlook | Written by ActionForex.com | Jan 13 10 08:21 GMT |
GBP/USD Daily Outlook
Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.6087; (P) 1.6140; (R1) 1.6219; More

GBP/USD's rise from 1.5896 resumes and at this point, intraday bias remains on the upside.

On the downside, break of 1.6063 minor support will indicate that such consolidation has possibly completed and break of 1.5829 low will target 1.5706 key cluster support next.

In the bigger picture, we're still favoring the bearish case that medium term rebound from 1.3503, which is is treated as a correction to down trend from 2.1161, has completed at 1.7043. Firm break of 1.5706 cluster support (38.2% retracement of 1.3503 to 1.7043 at 1.5691) will confirm this case and indicate that whole down trend from 2.1161 is likely resuming for a new low below 1.3503.

References 5 ;


GBPUSD: Pressure Builds On The 1.6234/39 Levels.

GBPUSD: As strength continues to be seen with the pair closing higher on Tuesday and opening higher today, risk continues to shape up towards the 1.6234/39 levels, its Dec 31’09/Jan 04’10 highs. The pair is currently testing its daily 200 ema at 1.6196, a level it must cleanly break to clear the way for a run at the 1.6234/39 levels. We expect either of this level to cap and turn the pair down. However, if a break of the 1.6234/39 levels materializes we could witness further upside towards the 1.6409 level, its Dec 16’09 high where a break will expose its Nov 25’09 high at 1.6744 and then the 1.6875 level, its Nov 16’0-09 high. Its daily RSI is bullish and pointing higher suggesting further strength. To the downside, its Jan 07’10 low at 1.6056 comes in as the initial support with a turn below there aiming at the 1.5830 level, its Dec 30’09. Below the latter level will set the stage for the resumption of its declines activated off the 1.6875 level towards the 1.5706 level, its Oct 13’09 low with a clearance of there seeing a 100% price retracement (from 1.5706- 1.6875 levels) and opening the door for additional downside towards its .50 Ret (1.3501-1.7041 rally) at 1.5273. back down.

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